They are still doing great. Both of them have had their PICC lines removed. Joel has had his oxygen tube removed, and Alyssa should have hers removed in the next day or two. Both are spitting up a lot, but are doing well digesting the milk being pumped into their stomachs.
My mother in law has been staying with us, which has been a huge help. With my mind so filled with the babies, and with visiting the hospital for several hours everyday, it has been so wonderful to not have to worry about Kaitlyn being taken care of.
Besides visiting the hospital, I spend a lot of time pumping milk. About two and a half hours a day I spend hooked up to my pump, even setting my alarm to wake me up in the middle of the night to pump. It is pretty amazing that with all the things the doctors have to take care of the babies, they can't manufacture all the wonderful things that come from the milk from Mommy.
Joel & Alyssa just look sweeter everyday. Holding them for about two hours during the day just makes my heart so happy. And then leaving them just breaks it again.
First time holding them together....wonderful!

They're holding hands!

So beautiful of them holding hands & looking at each other. What sweet babies, and how lucky they are to have such a good mommy!
I just love the picture of the twins holding hands! They're so fortunate to have Kaitlyn as a big sister!! Congratulations! Your family has nearly doubled! ;)
Love to you all,
Jennifer T. (and Family)
It's great seeing the three of you all together. Your babies are so beautiful!
Kangaroo care is the best! Such sweet babies. So glad to hear that they are continuing to get stronger every day. Keep it up mama. You're doing a great job!
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