Giggles when Daddy kisses her tummy and has whiskers
Very good at sitting up now
Loves to slap her legs with her hands, and will do it for quite awhile
Her talking now has some new sounds, especially da-da-da
Still loves to be naked
Favorite food so far are peas
Is able to get up on her hands and knees for a few seconds
Though not crawling, can move forwards somehow
Favorite part of bath time is sucking the water out of the washcloth
Had her first flu last week
Loves to play with her feet, and sometimes taste them
This morning Kaitlyn did something new. Sometimes I will put her diaper rag over her face and she will just wait helplessly for me to take it off. Today she started pulling it off herself. So we spent a long time together with me putting it over her head and her pulling it off and smiling. It's fun to learn new games!
Kaitlyn has a favorite TV commercial. It's for Quest HD internet. Whenever it comes on she looks up at the TV and smiles really big. Last week I started saying it was her favorite commercial, but thought it was maybe just coincidence that she was looking up when it came on. But now it is clear that the second the commercial comes on she is fascinated by it. A couple of days ago she was crying, and as soon as it started she stopped crying, turned around, and smiled at the TV. And this morning she was in my lap totally asleep! The commercial came on and she immediately opened her eyes wide, whipped her body around towards the TV and gave a big smile. Nap time was over! I still don't understand what it is about the commercial she loves so much!
It is so fun to watch Kaitlyn play on the floor by herself now. She is such a busy girl, and has so much to do. She will roll over a few times and pick up a toy. Examine it, taste it, shake it, and drop it. Then inch forward a bit to find another toy and do it all again. She is so intent on moving around and figuring out what things do. I just love to watch her work.
Kaitlyn tried some new rice crackers this week. They kinda just melt in your mouth. I handed her one and she knew just what to do with it!

And Kaitlyn got her first Valentine in the mail today!

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