Another month has gone by and the twins and I are sure growing! This month I have slowed down a lot. I am not able to do very much before I need to sit down and rest for awhile.
I had a regular OB appointment on Monday and with her small hand-held ultrasound machine my doctor could see that the babies had healthy heartbeats, and that they had their heads out to my sides and their bottoms and feet together in the middle. I couldn't see too much on the small screen, but she said they were very cute.
Tomorrow is a big day! I have a long ultrasound scheduled. Hopefully we will be able to find if these babies are boys or girls, and hear that they look very healthy. Also, I am meeting with a specialist to talk about my history of high blood pressure during pregnancy. I'm guessing that I will have to go on medication for my blood pressure at some point this time around with the added stress of two babies, but hopefully not yet this week.
I am about halfway through my pregnancy, since we expect twins to come early. It's hard to imagine how big I am still going to get and how uncomfortable I will be. But it's all worth it, right?